Model Assembly Language Instructions

Operation Meaning
STP Stop the program
LDA Load register A with value from a specified memory location
LDB Load register B with value from a specified memory location
STR Store register B value to a specified memory location
INP Store data input by user to a specified memory location
PNT Print the value stored in a specified memory location to the screen
JLT Jump if less than (Status register = -1) to a specified memory location
JGT Jump if greater than (Status register = 1) to a specified memory location
JEQ Jump if equal (Status register = 0) to a specified memory location
JMP Unconditional jump to a specified memory location
CMP Compare register A to register B and set Status Register value
ADD Add (register A + register B) and store sum in register B
SUB Subtract (register A - register B) and store difference in register B
MUL Multiply (register A * register B) and store product in register B
DIV Divide for quotient (register A/register B) and store quotient in register B
MOD Divide for remainder (register A/register B) and store remainder in register B